Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cutest little bush in the school!

At Mapua school on Tuesday the 26, every class planted a tree at the back of the field. The PTA has been working on tidying up the boundary area at the bottom of the field. They purchased a selection of native bushes and trees to be planted in this area to make it more attractive for humans and birds.
Room 6 picked the Hedycarya Arborea plant. So what is a Hedycarya Arborea you may be thinking - well, the Maori name for it is Porokaiwhiri, or pigeon wood, because the plant has little berries that the pigeons love to eat.
Mr Chalmers told us to come back and see it sometime.
Then we measured the bush against ourselves. For most of us the bush was about up to our hips. We will be able to tell if the bush has grown by checking it against ourselves again.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Learning Spanish

Originally uploaded by To be all I can
We are having fun learning Spanish. In this activity we were trying to find our partners by greeting one another and introducing ourselves. We had cards with the names of famous partnerships such as Minnie and Mickey Mouse, Asterix and Obelisk on them.